Writing Workshop
“If you wait for inspiration to write; you’re not a writer, you’re a waiter.” – Dan Poynter
Don’t Wait! Writers Write!!! ✍✍✍
Join me in the online workshop, “Write Your Story: From Idea to Publication.”
Learn from a writer, teacher and author:
✍ How I turned an idea into a published book
✍ Writing Strategies
✍ Road map to the publishing world
✍Tips for marketing to the masses
Student Testimonial:
I signed up for the “Write Your Story” workshop in hopes of receiving guidance on how to proceed with my current writing project, and it is the best investment that I have made for myself! Dana is very professional, as well as inviting and engaging with the students within workshop. I love the fact that I can ask her any question related to the writing and publication process. No question is too silly for Dana! She is a wonderful writing coach who truly cares about her students and wants so much for them to succeed. I recommend this workshop for anyone at any stage of the writing process, you will definitely benefit from it! -EW

Sign Up!
After registering, you will be enrolled in a private Facebook group where you have access to almost 90 minutes of video content in addition to a presentation with valuable information to motivate, guide and inspire you. The workshop is only meant to be an overview, but you are more than welcome to ask me questions or pick my brain about any of the topics covered. The workshop is a great resource to get you started on your journey to authorship.
If you’d like to work with me on a specific project, I am available as a writing coach. In that role, I will help you become the best writer you can be by discussing and supporting you at all stages of the writing process, managing your productivity and improving your craft as well as providing focus, suggestions and perspective. I look forward to helping you grow as a writer and making your ideas come alive on the page.
“Everyone has a story. Let’s work together to make your story come alive on the page.” #writeyourstory
Alt. Email: dana@danaliciousreviews.com
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